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Image source: Goop

I have a confession to make. I’ve been a longtime skeptic of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin in particular.  I had no idea what it was, and I did not want to be bothered to dig deeper.  I told myself that I would follow Warren Buffett’s approach – I will not invest in what I don’t understand. But […]

Bitcoin – What You Need to Know Before Dipping Your Toes in Crypto Waters

Financial Wellness

Having a long-term financial plan and sticking to it is an essential part of investment success.  However, a completely “set it and forget it” approach to investing is not safe. It pays to revisit your portfolio at least once a year and check if your current asset mix is on target.  If it is off […]

How to rebalance your investment portfolio in four simple steps

Financial Wellness

We have all heard of compounding, but let’s break it down to bare basics because compounding is one of the most important concepts to understand when managing your finances. I love this quote by Albert Einstein – “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, […]

The Most Important Investing Concept You Learned in 8th Grade Math

Financial Wellness

Picking an exchange-traded fund (ETF) could be an overwhelming task.  There are thousands of ETFs out there (7,602 to be exact).  How do you find the right one to fit your investment strategy and goals?  Here are three simple tips to help you chose the right ETFs for your portfolio. Everything starts with asset allocation […]

How to choose the right ETF for your portfolio in 3 easy steps

Financial Wellness

So, you’ve decided that achieving financial freedom and building long-term wealth for your family is a worthy goal.  You know that investing is a big part of getting to that goal.  But which path should you take? You have three main routes.  First, you could hire a financial advisor, and he/she will do all the […]

Four Simple Portfolio Strategies for DIY Investors

Financial Wellness

Investing Basics

Hey, girl!  I’m so glad you’re here!  Congratulations on taking the first and most important step toward starting to invest. Many women tell me that they want to start investing, but they feel overwhelmed, scared, and unsure where to begin. This post will break down the high-level basics of investing:  what is investing and why […]

High-level Investing Basics

Financial Wellness

Stock Investing for Beginners

When we hear the word “investing,” most of us picture men in vests and crisp shirts with their sleeves rolled up, trading millions of dollars on the stock exchange.  I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to be a Wall Street trader, a finance geek, or someone with lots of money (or a […]

How to Invest in Stocks: A 10-Step Guide for Beginners

Financial Wellness

As we approach the end of 2020, many of us are eager to set New Year’s resolutions – like exercising 3 times a week, drinking 8 glasses of water each day, or reading a new book a month. We all know how it ends.  By the end of January, most of us are back to […]

New Year’s Intentions: Support Women-Owned Businesses and Start Investing

Clean Lifestyle

2020 has been a tough year and it’s almost over.  Finally.  But before you celebrate and greet 2021 with your arms wide open, make sure to check these 5 things off your financial to-do list. No matter how excited you are to say goodbye to 2020, it doesn’t mean you should leave money on the […]

5 Money moves to make before saying “goodbye” to 2020

Financial Wellness